About Us

An open platform for documenting & archiving police misconduct, brutality and abuse of power. Please feel free to share stories, engage in discussion and pass on links!


  1. Dear PTP Community:

    My name is Atif Choudhury and I am a second year law student at William and Mary Law School.

    Last month I teamed up with my Con Law professor Timothy Zick to write the following Huffpost article ("Confessions of a Former Muslim Students Association Board Member") on the constitutionality and effectiveness of the NYPD surveillance program targeting Muslim-American communities throughout the northeast (especially Muslim Students Associations or MSAs), while also illustrating what a MSA is through satire and humor:


    In the article, there was also an accompanying Whitehouse.gov petition to urge the Obama administration to withdraw federal assistance to such programs (but which ultimately failed to meet the 100,000 signature threshold by April 23):


    My article and petition caused quite a stir in both the US and Canada, and I also conducted a live interview with a Vancouver radio station to discuss both the article and the petition

    http://www.coopradio.org/station/archives/16 (Monday April 7; 10:11-32:40)

    Given the breaking news on the disbanding of the NYPD "Demographics Unit" responsible for many of these surveillance programs, it seems this issue may gained renewed relevance. We have created a Facebook group to coordinate our activities (Coalition Against Police Surveillance-COPS):


    In our brief existence, we have received organizational and individual endorsements from:

    Islamic Scholarship Fund
    Aslan Media
    The National Arab American Bar Association
    Muslim Advocates
    UPenn MSA
    Columbia MSA
    People v. Towery
    Maz Jobrani (comedian)
    Omar Offendum (Canadian hip hop artist)
    Arun Kundnani (best-selling author)
    Aamer Rahman (Australian comedian)

    While we are steadily growing, the admins consist of a small core group of overworked grad/law/med students and full-time professionals. Given that our causes are essentially one and the same (to stop abusive police actions), we would LOVE to have your support! In fact, if you want to absorb COPS that would be just fine with us, as joining forces with an organization as outstanding and effective as PTP would probably be the best way for all of us to achieve our goals.

    Thank you for your time and consideration and I look forward to hearing from you soon!


    Atif Choudhury
    COPS Founder
    2L, William and Mary Law School

  2. Hello, first and foremost I want to thank you for what you do. On 8/17 I was arrested in PA while in volition of no crime. I was thrown to the ground and had my head split open. While on the ground I asked numerous times why I was being detained (no response) and was never read my miranda rights. I spent 9 days in a Delaware County prison and was recently released on a $50, 000 bail. Having exhausted all my resources to fight this injustice from the outside I'm without proper criminal defense. I'm sure you're incredibly busy but any legal advice or information would be greatly appreciated. I can be reached at Slim87420@Gmail.com
    Thank you and keep up the good work.
    -Tim H

  3. Many police dramas are somehow ignored by the mainstream media.
    Cops have been routinely killing and maiming people of all colors all over
    'The Land of the Free' for many years now.
    They almost always commit these murders with impunity.
    Until the system starts holding these criminals accountable for their crimes,
    the war will continue.
    To be clear,
    The cops started this war, not the people.
    Killing police officers is a disgusting act of violence that will do nothing but broaden the divide between
    the police and the citizenry, and help provide a justification for the militarization of law enforcement.

    Maybe the cops should have turned their backs on bad cops and demanded that they were punished for the crimes of executing and brutalizing unarmed citizens. Maybe they could have prevented the latest tragedies by demanding justice and not defending the indefensible. Maybe we all could have turned our backs on the militarization of police forces all over the country. Maybe arming police with the weapons and training of soldiers as if they are at war with their communities has actually created the conditions for that war to start. Maybe these latest tragedies will do nothing but act as pretexts for further militarization of police, and the cycle of consensual paranoia and violence will escalate. I hope to God it does not.

  4. Please spread this petition to hold L.E.O accountable! https://www.change.org/p/president-of-the-united-states-i-want-a-constitutional-amendment-that-if-you-commit-a-crime-as-a-civil-servant-you-are-charged-as-a-civilian-and-an-additional-charge-for-disobeying-an-oath-to-uphold-the-law-minimum-additional-3-years-as-well-as-jury-?recruiter=184518796&utm_source=share_petition&utm_medium=facebook&utm_campaign=publish_share&utm_term=mob-xs-no_src-custom_msg

  5. Dear Policing the police
    Keeping the police in check is a serious issue and should not be a joke. Your website shows videos of a prankster pretending to fart next to officers with a fart machine. The officers aren 't aware it's a machine and this is rude and disrespectful to do to any human being. Your association with this prankster causes me to doubt how serious you take this important agenda. People are dying and you are showing videos of someone pretending to fart on police. This is detrimental to the cause and I hope others agree and urge you to stop showing these juvenile prank videos.

  6. Dear PTP,
    It is clear to me now that you are actually a hate group that doesnt know fact from fiction. You silenced me taking away my right to freedom of speech which is no different than the police you attempt to report about. I will be making my own group to police you yourselves. Stop spreading fake news creating unwanted hate.

  7. Police the police

    I know you've been recently banned from social media.

    I hope you all will consider using Minds.Com the censorship free site and continue your important work.
